How to download You Tube videos in Android Mobile

If you are watching so many videos in You Tube,some times we don't have Internet connectivity and we want to watch You Tube videos instead of that you can download the You Tube videos in Android mobile by using Tube Mate application in your mobile. Tube Mate application allows you to download You Tube videos in so many formats and features of Tube Mate listed below

i. Downloading You Tube videos in so many formats(FLV,MP4,MP3..)

ii. Allows to download You Tube videos in different resolutions.

iii. Resume capability and download You Tube videos at fastest speed.

iv. While downloading videos, you can also watch videos on You Tube.

Steps to download You Tube videos in Android Mobile

1. First of all download the Tube Mate application from this link

2. After downloading the application from the link then install the application in your mobile.

3. After installing the application in your mobile, open the application in your mobile from your applications list.

4. Now open any You Tube video in the Tube Mate application, you can see Green arrow in the down side when you select a particular video to download

5. Click on Green arrow to download You Tube video, It will ask whether you want to watch or download. Click on Download to download the You Tube videos..

6. Once you click on Download button, It will ask the resolution of the video and format of the video to download.

7. After that your You Tube video is downloading...


  1. thanks dude helps me a lot.and its easy to download.......
