How to Chat with your friends by using Command Prompt

Now a days chatting is very common with friends and relatives in Facebook , G Talk, SMS...Do you know you can also chat with friends or relatives by using Command Prompt.. Is it amazing.... Yes you can chat with friends in command prompt for that you only require the IP address of your friend....If he/she does not know the IP address of the computer or Laptop,can find out with the help of this post easily...

Know your IP address by Google Search

Steps to chat with friends by using command prompt.

1. First of all find out your friends IP address...Your friend can easily find out by using the above post..

2. After that open notepad and type the following code... or paste the following code and save it as "messenger.bat"..

@echo off
echo Chat Messenger
set /p n=IP address of your friend:
set /p m=Messages:
net send %n% %m%
GOTO Learnwithnet

3.Now open the command prompt by using Run(win +R) and type "cmd"(without double quotes) in the Run box....

4. Now drag your messenger.bat into command prompt and press Enter....You will see like this in the command prompt...

5.Type the IP address of your friend("He/She must be in the same network") and press "Enter"

6. Now type the message you want to send to your friend and click on enter to send....

The drawback of this method of chatting is you and your friend must be in the same network...